Tea and Health
Tea was first consumed for its beneficial health benefits, which science has since proved. As well as containing minerals and vitamins, tea has a good dose of polyphenols, which act as antioxidants mopping up free radicals that damage the body. These polyphenols are particularly potent in green tea, which is why it is highly recommended by health professionals.
Research has shown that drinking tea:
- Provides powerful antioxidants known to prevent tissue damage that leads to the formation of cancerous cells
- Supports cardiovascular health by helping to lower cholestrol levels, reduce blood pressure and decrease the risk of heart attack and stroke.
- Helps prevent dental cavities and gingivitis
- Helps reduce inflammation in the body, relieving stress
- Lowers and stabilizes blood sugar levels
- Slows down the ageing process in the body
- May help produce stronger bones
- May be protective against developing Parkinson’s disease
- May lessen the chances of developing rheumatoid arthritis
- May aid in the prevention of kidney stones
One of tea’s magical ingredients is L-theanine, a neurologically active amino acid which is capable of inducing chemical changes in the brain, and found almost exclusively in tea. Approximately thirty minutes after ingestion, L-thenanine stimulates production of alpha waves, which can create a feeling of being both alert and deeply relaxed. L-thenanine helps reduce stress and anxiety and promotes the production of seratonin, the hormone essential in creating a sense of well-being and happiness.
So, when your grandma told you to sit down and have a “nice cuppa” because it would make you feel better, she was right!